all postcodes in YO14 / FILEY

find any address or company within the YO14 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO14 0JA 0 54.18003 -0.323119
YO14 0EZ 0 54.21277 -0.304127
YO14 0FA 41 0 54.203584 -0.298401
YO14 0FB 27 0 54.203678 -0.297416
YO14 0FD 41 0 54.204769 -0.300821
YO14 0FE 17 0 54.205011 -0.299538
YO14 0FG 17 0 54.203818 -0.299679
YO14 0FJ 2 0 54.202983 -0.297139
YO14 0FL 7 0 54.203691 -0.294411
YO14 0FN 26 0 54.202612 -0.296386
YO14 0PF 5 0 54.180367 -0.318922