all postcodes in YO14 / FILEY

find any address or company within the YO14 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO14 0JG 0 54.178734 -0.326236
YO14 0JP 3 54.179722 -0.320374
YO14 0JR 17 54.180135 -0.321568
YO14 0JS 0 54.180223 -0.320752
YO14 0JT 3 54.180532 -0.322931
YO14 0JU 2 54.181404 -0.323018
YO14 0JW 0 54.177315 -0.319889
YO14 0JX 0 54.182297 -0.323886
YO14 0JY 0 54.184637 -0.324772
YO14 0JZ 0 54.183149 -0.326334
YO14 0LA 0 54.183683 -0.327891
YO14 0LB 0 54.182844 -0.32768
YO14 0LD 0 54.182457 -0.330852
YO14 0LE 2 54.1901 -0.350684
YO14 0LF 0 54.180437 -0.313005
YO14 0LG 0 54.179852 -0.312293
YO14 0PJ 0 54.180279 -0.31131
YO14 0LH 0 54.179587 -0.313943
YO14 0LJ 0 54.181983 -0.318689
YO14 0LL 0 54.179437 -0.314777