all postcodes in YO16 / BRIDLINGTON

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO16 4HT 0 54.090177 -0.204559
YO16 4HS 0 54.08983 -0.204804
YO16 4BT 0 54.092946 -0.210648
YO16 4JJ 0 54.087179 -0.197656
YO16 4LH 0 54.087193 -0.197853
YO16 4PH 0 54.092434 -0.208881
YO16 4PJ 0 54.092548 -0.208677
YO16 4PW 0 54.092868 -0.209046
YO16 4PY 0 54.092738 -0.208776
YO16 4TU 4 0 54.082871 -0.213757
YO16 4TX 7 0 54.084434 -0.214882
YO16 4BF 4 0 54.088844 -0.206849
YO16 4BY 2 0 54.073308 -0.249213
YO16 4LG 11 0 54.086018 -0.196252
YO16 4LJ 4 0 54.085719 -0.196236
YO16 4LN 6 0 54.085619 -0.196699
YO16 4LQ 8 3 54.089045 -0.205205