all postcodes in YO16 / BRIDLINGTON

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO16 6QT 4 0 54.092112 -0.186157
YO16 6QU 12 0 54.092992 -0.184345
YO16 6QX 40 0 54.093265 -0.185755
YO16 6QY 40 0 54.095175 -0.18662
YO16 6QZ 8 0 54.096038 -0.185435
YO16 6RA 32 0 54.096533 -0.183089
YO16 6RB 19 0 54.096291 -0.182518
YO16 6RD 32 0 54.09411 -0.185152
YO16 6RE 28 0 54.094274 -0.184656
YO16 6RF 40 0 54.094297 -0.183859
YO16 6RG 13 0 54.094218 -0.182196
YO16 6RH 16 0 54.095071 -0.182709
YO16 6RJ 24 0 54.095985 -0.18192
YO16 6RL 8 0 54.095642 -0.180635
YO16 6RN 16 0 54.095338 -0.181902
YO16 6RQ 8 0 54.094644 -0.182391
YO16 6RW 49 0 54.093083 -0.183194
YO16 6SF 4 0 54.094342 -0.186793
YO16 6TA 10 0 54.102777 -0.173929
YO16 6TB 22 0 54.103671 -0.173661