all postcodes in YO16 / BRIDLINGTON

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO16 7NN 22 2 54.091658 -0.204434
YO16 7NP 38 0 54.096254 -0.213702
YO16 7NQ 27 0 54.099931 -0.214324
YO16 7NR 45 2 54.097824 -0.215867
YO16 7NS 9 1 54.096149 -0.210862
YO16 7NT 13 0 54.0967 -0.211634
YO16 7NU 33 3 54.096997 -0.210474
YO16 7NW 9 0 54.092742 -0.204831
YO16 7NX 8 0 54.098308 -0.210326
YO16 7NY 3 0 54.098697 -0.209911
YO16 7PA 32 0 54.097526 -0.209182
YO16 7PB 37 0 54.096941 -0.209069
YO16 7PD 26 0 54.094708 -0.208829
YO16 7PE 9 1 54.094444 -0.207433
YO16 7PG 12 0 54.09457 -0.206251
YO16 7PH 6 1 54.093955 -0.205267
YO16 7PJ 8 4 54.09393 -0.20611
YO16 7PL 24 0 54.096244 -0.214222
YO16 7PN 53 0 54.095669 -0.216067
YO16 7PP 3 0 54.096363 -0.216786