all postcodes in YO19 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO19 4RH 6 53.918279 -1.058893
YO19 4RE 0 53.919977 -1.069262
YO19 4RF 0 53.927609 -1.070539
YO19 4RG 0 53.927811 -1.075728
YO19 4RJ 0 53.903941 -1.087723
YO19 4RL 0 53.923344 -1.080471
YO19 4RN 1 53.914488 -1.078915
YO19 4RP 0 53.910897 -1.075896
YO19 4RR 1 53.903571 -1.089908
YO19 4RS 0 53.902207 -1.086604
YO19 4RT 0 53.901762 -1.089597
YO19 4RU 4 53.899045 -1.090463
YO19 4RW 3 53.907462 -1.087457
YO19 4RX 0 53.902358 -1.091197
YO19 4RY 0 53.902166 -1.091963
YO19 4RZ 0 53.90301 -1.088261
YO19 4SA 1 53.903011 -1.090727
YO19 4SB 0 53.901885 -1.092851
YO19 4SD 0 53.901271 -1.090003
YO19 4SG 2 53.905381 -0.992384