all postcodes in YO22 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO22 5BD 1 0 54.433303 -0.773169
YO22 5BE 3 0 54.432614 -0.735049
YO22 5BG 31 0 54.427323 -0.73367
YO22 5BS 11 0 54.458135 -0.6629
YO22 5BT 19 0 54.456693 -0.664165
YO22 5BU 27 0 54.456415 -0.662941
YO22 5BW 9 0 54.457565 -0.66099
YO22 5BX 9 0 54.455824 -0.662852
YO22 5BY 22 0 54.456721 -0.661064
YO22 5BZ 39 0 54.454775 -0.659785
YO22 5DA 19 0 54.455376 -0.661324
YO22 5DB 14 0 54.453111 -0.659701
YO22 5DD 3 0 54.45551 -0.659653
YO22 5DE 40 0 54.452818 -0.660852
YO22 5DF 8 0 54.453544 -0.660597
YO22 5DG 30 0 54.453603 -0.661119
YO22 5DH 3 0 54.45413 -0.66158
YO22 5DJ 27 0 54.454566 -0.662877
YO22 5DL 2 0 54.453578 -0.66325
YO22 5DN 38 1 54.453061 -0.663281