all postcodes in YO23 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO23 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO23 1PP 23 0 53.942382 -1.090039
YO23 1PQ 1 0 53.942304 -1.089256
YO23 1PS 20 0 53.942383 -1.089003
YO23 1PU 28 0 53.942356 -1.087724
YO23 1PX 10 0 53.943196 -1.089541
YO23 1PY 18 0 53.943148 -1.089055
YO23 1PZ 4 0 53.943171 -1.088536
YO23 1PT 19 0 53.942243 -1.088245
YO23 1QA 8 0 53.949696 -1.082643
YO23 1FA 1 1 53.948614 -1.097584
YO23 1FF 68 0 53.940725 -1.089573
YO23 1DQ 100 0 53.940707 -1.089565
YO23 1FE 1 0 53.952376 -1.085236
YO23 1PR 6 0 53.942177 -1.087804