all postcodes in YO23 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO23 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO23 3XX 0 53.917709 -1.133633
YO23 3XY 0 53.91731 -1.134418
YO23 3XZ 0 53.916297 -1.134789
YO23 3YA 0 53.915808 -1.134251
YO23 3YB 0 53.916503 -1.133399
YO23 3YD 0 53.917071 -1.133631
YO23 3YE 0 53.917152 -1.132457
YO23 3YF 0 53.917422 -1.132543
YO23 3YG 0 53.91829 -1.133271
YO23 3YH 0 53.913797 -1.138366
YO23 3YJ 0 53.912693 -1.139765
YO23 3YL 0 53.914922 -1.137375
YO23 3YN 0 53.915058 -1.138727
YO23 3YP 0 53.916411 -1.140724
YO23 3YQ 0 53.917031 -1.13689
YO23 3YR 2 53.914342 -1.139092
YO23 3YS 0 53.912195 -1.14177
YO23 3YT 0 53.911047 -1.14088
YO23 3YU 0 53.91115 -1.141487
YO23 3YX 0 53.910047 -1.141799