all postcodes in YO24 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO24 4BT 68 1 53.955519 -1.102745
YO24 4BU 8 0 53.954115 -1.0977
YO24 4BW 12 0 53.956503 -1.100818
YO24 4BX 6 0 53.953268 -1.09621
YO24 4BY 20 0 53.953643 -1.09579
YO24 4DA 13 0 53.95302 -1.09783
YO24 4DB 1 1 53.952258 -1.096902
YO24 4DD 1 1 53.952336 -1.097693
YO24 4DE 25 0 53.953644 -1.101977
YO24 4DF 46 3 53.954724 -1.105825
YO24 4DG 32 0 53.954377 -1.10507
YO24 4DH 1 1 53.954145 -1.104024
YO24 4DL 11 0 53.954383 -1.103439
YO24 4DN 1 0 53.956636 -1.10301
YO24 4DP 21 0 53.952625 -1.1027
YO24 4DQ 4 3 53.954824 -1.104664
YO24 4DR 16 0 53.951759 -1.103511
YO24 4DS 18 0 53.95081 -1.105147
YO24 4DT 10 0 53.951321 -1.103825
YO24 4DU 16 0 53.950885 -1.104444