all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 9PN 0 53.960942 -0.442938
YO25 9PP 0 53.963018 -0.44219
YO25 9PQ 2 53.957651 -0.444905
YO25 9PR 0 53.964746 -0.441013
YO25 9PS 0 53.965691 -0.441069
YO25 9PT 0 53.964275 -0.442067
YO25 9PU 0 53.965727 -0.44247
YO25 9PW 0 53.962097 -0.44256
YO25 9PX 0 53.966345 -0.434657
YO25 9PY 0 53.967748 -0.444266
YO25 9PZ 0 53.967421 -0.437925
YO25 9QA 0 53.965677 -0.436527
YO25 9QB 0 53.965986 -0.433904
YO25 9QD 0 53.965844 -0.432786
YO25 9QE 24 53.952603 -0.449391
YO25 9QF 0 53.959584 -0.393696
YO25 9QG 0 53.951101 -0.377167
YO25 9ET 1 53.944107 -0.357734
YO25 9QH 0 53.953647 -0.43559
YO25 9QJ 0 53.954598 -0.436149