all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 4YU 12 0 54.0151 -0.387071
YO25 4YX 14 0 54.021605 -0.39094
YO25 4YY 12 0 54.051595 -0.319558
YO25 4YZ 5 0 54.020009 -0.390514
YO25 4ZF 1 1 53.999389 -0.459156
YO25 4NY 0 54.051007 -0.318635
YO25 4PE 0 54.011346 -0.387994
YO25 4NZ 0 54.014623 -0.391057
YO25 4YT 0 54.021192 -0.390972
YO25 4TB 0 54.064704 -0.38067
YO25 4TE 4 0 54.063215 -0.38565
YO25 4HL 22 0 54.012652 -0.388859
YO25 4AT 25 0 54.011927 -0.388429
YO25 4HA 3 0 54.017267 -0.389139
YO25 4AA 2 0 54.017893 -0.388791
YO25 4AB 2 0 54.018107 -0.387318
YO25 4TF 1 0 54.079558 -0.351904
YO25 5AT 10 0 54.00931 -0.444307
YO25 5AU 12 0 54.008877 -0.444873
YO25 5AX 23 0 54.008513 -0.448671