all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 5FJ 26 0 54.006273 -0.428364
YO25 5FN 10 0 54.004427 -0.42891
YO25 5FP 12 0 54.005399 -0.426966
YO25 5FR 21 0 54.010868 -0.449407
YO25 5FS 10 0 54.011125 -0.449825
YO25 5FT 4 0 54.005794 -0.429698
YO25 5FW 8 0 54.004245 -0.430123
YO25 5HA 27 0 54.01066 -0.438229
YO25 5HB 4 1 54.010337 -0.437539
YO25 5HD 16 0 54.009742 -0.437393
YO25 5HE 2 0 54.00923 -0.43802
YO25 5HF 19 0 54.01399 -0.440592
YO25 5HG 5 0 54.01154 -0.440897
YO25 5HH 21 0 54.011009 -0.423611
YO25 5HJ 14 0 54.011213 -0.422718
YO25 5HL 22 0 54.011248 -0.421252
YO25 5HN 4 2 54.008344 -0.432883
YO25 5HP 49 0 54.007641 -0.431368
YO25 5HQ 7 0 54.009429 -0.436123
YO25 5HR 2 2 54.008532 -0.427367