all postcodes in YO26 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO26 9SE 15 0 54.050268 -1.318834
YO26 9SF 16 0 54.054561 -1.326141
YO26 9SG 13 0 54.050869 -1.315509
YO26 9SH 3 0 54.042936 -1.311348
YO26 9SJ 6 1 54.051807 -1.294232
YO26 9SL 2 0 54.053538 -1.283333
YO26 9SN 1 0 54.042669 -1.302282
YO26 9SP 4 0 54.039151 -1.309456
YO26 9SR 8 0 54.035547 -1.294019
YO26 9SS 8 2 54.028978 -1.294206
YO26 9ST 10 0 54.03408 -1.275539
YO26 9SY 3 0 54.028616 -1.290997
YO26 9SZ 1 1 54.050539 -1.317378
YO26 9TA 3 0 54.029643 -1.295798
YO26 9TB 3 0 54.040623 -1.315387
YO26 9TD 55 2 54.040431 -1.317971
YO26 9TE 8 0 54.039101 -1.322757
YO26 9TF 6 0 54.038989 -1.323782
YO26 9TG 32 0 54.039182 -1.324375
YO26 9TH 1 0 54.041424 -1.31568