all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 7DE 6 0 53.963382 -1.0893
YO30 7DF 14 0 53.96483 -1.089421
YO30 7DG 5 1 53.965403 -1.090338
YO30 7DH 56 1 53.964401 -1.090994
YO30 7DJ 28 2 53.96266 -1.092516
YO30 7DL 13 0 53.961743 -1.093679
YO30 7DN 59 0 53.962873 -1.09338
YO30 7DQ 9 5 53.965726 -1.090224
YO30 7DR 1 1 53.962026 -1.089497
YO30 7DS 5 0 53.962572 -1.090354
YO30 7DT 14 0 53.962216 -1.090804
YO30 7DU 17 0 53.964092 -1.085717
YO30 7DW 16 2 53.963503 -1.092248
YO30 7DX 4 0 53.961979 -1.090422
YO30 7DY 18 0 53.961562 -1.091184
YO30 7DZ 6 0 53.963412 -1.088522
YO30 7WH 1 1 53.962649 -1.088736
YO30 7XZ 1 1 53.964046 -1.087974
YO30 7EB 0 53.963158 -1.090646
YO30 7EA 0 53.966735 -1.090644