all postcodes in YO31 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO31 0QU 6 0 53.964023 -1.051377
YO31 0QW 8 2 53.964617 -1.051464
YO31 0QX 18 0 53.963978 -1.052537
YO31 0QY 6 0 53.963599 -1.052347
YO31 0QZ 12 0 53.963496 -1.054102
YO31 0RA 6 0 53.964042 -1.0538
YO31 0RB 28 0 53.96447 -1.053349
YO31 0RD 4 0 53.963838 -1.054156
YO31 0RE 11 1 53.964181 -1.054346
YO31 0RH 10 0 53.961913 -1.048285
YO31 0RL 10 0 53.96515 -1.058668
YO31 0RP 5 2 53.965389 -1.059358
YO31 0RR 9 0 53.965152 -1.060055
YO31 0RS 23 0 53.965313 -1.061134
YO31 0RT 22 0 53.964757 -1.062412
YO31 0RU 13 0 53.964459 -1.062296
YO31 0RX 12 0 53.96428 -1.061142
YO31 0RY 16 0 53.964297 -1.059861
YO31 0RZ 8 0 53.964829 -1.060154
YO31 0SA 15 0 53.964461 -1.059111