all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 9GY 1 1 53.985607 -1.050734
YO32 9HF 2 0 53.992769 -1.007155
YO32 9HW 2 0 53.996795 -0.997281
YO32 9JR 9 9 53.984937 -1.046708
YO32 9GW 1 1 53.988965 -1.049133
YO32 9JS 6 5 53.984418 -1.049206
YO32 9JT 82 0 53.979709 -1.060734
YO32 9LB 1 1 53.989526 -1.042806
YO32 9LD 1 1 53.990204 -1.04552
YO32 9LE 16 12 53.99062 -1.012529
YO32 9LF 1 1 53.986476 -1.04347
YO32 9LG 2 2 53.987127 -1.049703
YO32 9LH 2 0 53.990105 -1.059289
YO32 9LU 37 0 53.986096 -1.058028
YO32 9LX 31 0 53.98585 -1.055228
YO32 9LY 14 0 53.98153 -1.059168
YO32 9LZ 11 0 53.982648 -1.059601
YO32 9NA 1 0 53.984064 -1.059096
YO32 9NB 1 0 53.985047 -1.059486
YO32 9ND 10 0 53.985901 -1.059543