all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 2JQ 0 54.01772 -1.081764
YO32 2LG 0 54.026565 -1.067861
YO32 2LH 0 54.039412 -1.068531
YO32 2LJ 0 54.047509 -1.064883
YO32 2LL 1 54.019338 -1.081921
YO32 2LQ 0 54.032123 -1.064983
YO32 2LU 9 54.016262 -1.075808
YO32 2NB 0 54.013288 -1.061855
YO32 2NQ 0 54.02305 -1.081861
YO32 2PB 0 54.019772 -1.079842
YO32 2PD 0 54.020108 -1.079102
YO32 2PE 0 54.020492 -1.080095
YO32 2PF 0 54.019244 -1.092027
YO32 2PG 0 54.020989 -1.080404
YO32 2PH 1 54.020589 -1.080947
YO32 2PJ 1 54.019795 -1.084155
YO32 2PL 1 54.019637 -1.083487
YO32 2PN 0 54.019998 -1.085967
YO32 2PP 0 54.019617 -1.087898
YO32 2PQ 0 54.021337 -1.081221