all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO32 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 9LZ 11 0 53.982648 -1.059601
YO32 9NA 1 0 53.984064 -1.059096
YO32 9NB 1 0 53.985047 -1.059486
YO32 9ND 10 0 53.985901 -1.059543
YO32 9NE 8 6 53.986697 -1.057878
YO32 9NF 9 0 53.986827 -1.059491
YO32 9NG 5 0 53.987788 -1.059378
YO32 9NH 11 0 53.988984 -1.059458
YO32 9NJ 58 0 53.988211 -1.061809
YO32 9NL 11 0 53.989715 -1.059929
YO32 9NN 16 0 53.991346 -1.059313
YO32 9NP 4 0 53.991704 -1.055599
YO32 9NQ 12 1 53.988735 -1.058686
YO32 9NR 6 0 53.992634 -1.058415
YO32 9NS 1 0 53.993604 -1.058408
YO32 9NT 12 0 53.99326 -1.059179
YO32 9NU 1 0 53.994376 -1.058284
YO32 9NW 4 0 53.991539 -1.058769
YO32 9NX 30 0 53.992515 -1.055962
YO32 9NY 53 0 53.992154 -1.055711