all postcodes in YO51 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO51 9WD 0 54.09643 -1.396443
YO51 9NL 1 0 54.110485 -1.406916
YO51 9FE 9 0 54.10045 -1.408304
YO51 9XD 1 1 54.09643 -1.396443
YO51 9FS 6 6 54.087973 -1.41482
YO51 9FG 1 0 54.0845 -1.367756
YO51 9FF 1 0 54.09865 -1.400081
YO51 9FH 5 0 54.092801 -1.398575
YO51 9GH 10 0 54.089272 -1.397526
YO51 9GJ 9 0 54.088971 -1.398508
YO51 9GL 12 0 54.089266 -1.398046
YO51 9GN 15 0 54.089137 -1.399225
YO51 9XE 1 1 54.09643 -1.396443
YO51 9UQ 1 0 54.09643 -1.396443
YO51 9JZ 12 0 54.072621 -1.409075
YO51 9UP 1 0 54.096445 -1.39645
YO51 9PA 8 0 54.088962 -1.400747
YO51 9FJ 1 0 54.101542 -1.400275
YO51 9FN 13 0 54.101183 -1.398537
YO51 9FP 2 0 54.10187 -1.397579