all postcodes in YO7 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 4LA 0 54.23193 -1.490748
YO7 4LB 2 54.225874 -1.488208
YO7 4LE 1 54.215307 -1.476024
YO7 4LF 0 54.212828 -1.487747
YO7 4LG 0 54.220399 -1.485653
YO7 4LH 0 54.241453 -1.501871
YO7 4LJ 0 54.253222 -1.499634
YO7 4LL 0 54.246794 -1.471597
YO7 4LN 0 54.23027 -1.37907
YO7 4LP 0 54.229036 -1.376925
YO7 4LQ 0 54.228893 -1.492266
YO7 4LR 0 54.229416 -1.378245
YO7 4LS 2 54.22762 -1.369851
YO7 4LT 3 54.228264 -1.372649
YO7 4LU 0 54.228479 -1.375169
YO7 4LW 0 54.230081 -1.377385
YO7 4LX 5 54.227935 -1.376872
YO7 4NJ 11 54.223428 -1.395391
YO7 4LY 0 54.228118 -1.374016
YO7 4LZ 0 54.229174 -1.375834