all postcodes in YO8 / SELBY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO8 6RD 4 0 53.770037 -0.976737
YO8 6RE 44 0 53.770929 -0.976974
YO8 6RF 7 0 53.768903 -0.974474
YO8 6RG 6 0 53.764157 -0.978731
YO8 6RH 25 0 53.767635 -0.975415
YO8 6RJ 28 0 53.76318 -0.979028
YO8 6RQ 4 0 53.76473 -0.980583
YO8 6ST 23 0 53.792204 -0.968502
YO8 6SU 2 0 53.793606 -0.969277
YO8 6SX 7 0 53.793404 -0.970142
YO8 6SY 6 0 53.792937 -0.966024
YO8 6TQ 4 0 53.788858 -0.942445
YO8 6SZ 3 0 53.789772 -0.969047
YO8 6TA 20 0 53.790674 -0.970421
YO8 6TB 4 0 53.790888 -0.970999
YO8 6TD 4 0 53.791287 -0.972774
YO8 6TE 3 0 53.7928 -0.968866
YO8 6TF 6 1 53.782181 -0.971616
YO8 6TG 7 1 53.778066 -0.947891
YO8 6TH 3 0 53.800501 -0.936716