all postcodes in AB16 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB16 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB16 5NN 20 0 57.158878 -2.1569
AB16 5NP 18 0 57.158823 -2.15814
AB16 5NQ 11 0 57.159389 -2.15844
AB16 5NR 4 0 57.159763 -2.160541
AB16 5NS 28 0 57.158873 -2.161033
AB16 5NT 12 0 57.158739 -2.160388
AB16 5NX 8 0 57.157689 -2.159639
AB16 5NY 1 1 57.155189 -2.147528
AB16 5PA 12 0 57.157807 -2.15873
AB16 5PB 14 0 57.158149 -2.158335
AB16 5PD 16 0 57.157206 -2.158166
AB16 5PJ 40 0 57.157218 -2.155835
AB16 5PL 20 0 57.157355 -2.153604
AB16 5PN 20 0 57.156966 -2.155817
AB16 5PP 12 0 57.156873 -2.158462
AB16 5PQ 10 0 57.157328 -2.160993
AB16 5PR 10 0 57.157223 -2.159306
AB16 5PS 8 0 57.157678 -2.160995
AB16 5PT 6 0 57.156412 -2.160807
AB16 5PU 72 0 57.157263 -2.148