all postcodes in AB16 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB16 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB16 5PW 72 0 57.156608 -2.147898
AB16 5PY 6 6 57.156034 -2.161616
AB16 5PZ 3 3 57.155449 -2.162654
AB16 5QA 12 0 57.156477 -2.159237
AB16 5QB 36 0 57.157106 -2.151933
AB16 5QD 36 0 57.156621 -2.152113
AB16 5QE 32 0 57.158774 -2.161545
AB16 5QF 11 0 57.156995 -2.161405
AB16 5QG 8 0 57.160129 -2.162427
AB16 5QH 14 0 57.159009 -2.162296
AB16 5QJ 4 0 57.157844 -2.150812
AB16 5QL 20 0 57.15911 -2.151131
AB16 5QN 35 4 57.159571 -2.148654
AB16 5QP 4 0 57.160003 -2.150447
AB16 5QQ 19 1 57.161211 -2.151818
AB16 5QR 10 0 57.161311 -2.150661
AB16 5QS 45 0 57.16137 -2.154464
AB16 5QT 9 1 57.160728 -2.15752
AB16 5QU 8 0 57.161199 -2.16187
AB16 5QW 6 0 57.160354 -2.161816