all postcodes in AB16 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB16 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB16 5RZ 4 0 57.159509 -2.155845
AB16 5SA 12 0 57.164892 -2.160828
AB16 5SB 36 0 57.165351 -2.160201
AB16 5SD 12 0 57.165562 -2.159117
AB16 5SE 8 0 57.158527 -2.157378
AB16 5SF 6 0 57.159363 -2.157497
AB16 5SG 15 1 57.159171 -2.159927
AB16 5SH 12 0 57.158597 -2.158998
AB16 5SJ 7 1 57.164706 -2.15876
AB16 5SL 46 0 57.163644 -2.160558
AB16 5SN 34 0 57.164012 -2.160245
AB16 5SP 12 0 57.16436 -2.162346
AB16 5SQ 8 0 57.163927 -2.163436
AB16 5SR 36 0 57.162879 -2.161116
AB16 5SS 25 0 57.16244 -2.160387
AB16 5ST 36 0 57.163466 -2.15935
AB16 5SU 8 0 57.157018 -2.157719
AB16 5SW 8 0 57.157665 -2.157804
AB16 5SX 54 0 57.163891 -2.156624
AB16 5SY 8 0 57.157184 -2.154562