all postcodes in AB23 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB23 8DT 13 0 57.176373 -2.087509
AB23 8DU 8 1 57.180461 -2.086361
AB23 8DX 3 0 57.176534 -2.089031
AB23 8EA 8 1 57.176877 -2.089717
AB23 8EB 4 1 57.176964 -2.090603
AB23 8ED 5 0 57.178033 -2.090606
AB23 8EF 13 11 57.189376 -2.093546
AB23 8EG 8 8 57.187025 -2.093182
AB23 8EH 36 0 57.190525 -2.105445
AB23 8EJ 14 0 57.178229 -2.092062
AB23 8EL 12 0 57.177806 -2.094162
AB23 8EN 16 0 57.177877 -2.094889
AB23 8EP 18 0 57.179144 -2.093867
AB23 8EQ 21 0 57.179279 -2.093239
AB23 8ER 17 1 57.178553 -2.09203
AB23 8ES 10 0 57.179163 -2.09223
AB23 8ET 16 3 57.179218 -2.090923
AB23 8EU 5 5 57.188833 -2.102403
AB23 8EW 4 4 57.18741 -2.095781
AB23 8EX 32 0 57.183062 -2.092223