all postcodes in AB23 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB23 8EY 1 1 57.188546 -2.098507
AB23 8EZ 1 1 57.186026 -2.092396
AB23 8FB 34 0 57.18311 -2.08817
AB23 8FD 12 0 57.183028 -2.090304
AB23 8FE 7 7 57.184705 -2.096766
AB23 8FF 16 0 57.191708 -2.097705
AB23 8FG 33 0 57.182013 -2.088829
AB23 8FP 18 0 57.17798 -2.08925
AB23 8FT 63 0 57.19704 -2.10318
AB23 8FW 66 0 57.196205 -2.102698
AB23 8FX 30 0 57.197346 -2.102105
AB23 8FY 72 0 57.178735 -2.088871
AB23 8GA 16 0 57.189773 -2.102845
AB23 8GD 23 20 57.190922 -2.082338
AB23 8GE 26 0 57.197533 -2.103976
AB23 8GH 54 0 57.192716 -2.106891
AB23 8GL 51 0 57.198818 -2.103516
AB23 8GN 8 0 57.199149 -2.105403
AB23 8GP 26 0 57.199924 -2.102708
AB23 8GQ 44 0 57.200048 -2.105042