all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 5HE 2 0 57.078668 -2.371888
AB31 5HH 3 0 57.079922 -2.365559
AB31 5HJ 4 0 57.084255 -2.370634
AB31 5HL 10 0 57.090661 -2.393899
AB31 5HN 4 0 57.097876 -2.412989
AB31 5HP 1 0 57.095872 -2.426516
AB31 5HQ 6 0 57.102943 -2.396241
AB31 5HR 9 0 57.107833 -2.386421
AB31 5HS 15 1 57.049502 -2.492197
AB31 5HT 18 2 57.048917 -2.500502
AB31 5HU 12 0 57.046993 -2.498795
AB31 5JA 31 0 57.060329 -2.475357
AB31 5JB 33 0 57.058912 -2.477285
AB31 5JD 22 1 57.057577 -2.412937
AB31 5JE 20 1 57.060276 -2.40619
AB31 5JH 6 0 57.064502 -2.393721
AB31 5JJ 17 0 57.072737 -2.407256
AB31 5JL 1 0 57.060886 -2.415964
AB31 5JN 3 0 57.057575 -2.416283
AB31 5JQ 17 0 57.061309 -2.475254