all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 5LN 3 0 57.051323 -2.499671
AB31 5NA 1 1 57.051422 -2.506448
AB31 5ND 2 0 57.051984 -2.490554
AB31 5NJ 1 0 57.051379 -2.487771
AB31 5NP 1 0 57.052005 -2.493202
AB31 5NQ 1 0 57.052425 -2.493686
AB31 5NT 7 0 57.060659 -2.490052
AB31 5NU 4 0 57.060171 -2.490771
AB31 5NW 5 0 57.060825 -2.488851
AB31 5NX 1 0 57.053345 -2.506375
AB31 5PA 4 1 57.051902 -2.505399
AB31 5PB 8 0 57.051884 -2.503289
AB31 5PD 5 0 57.051596 -2.492208
AB31 5PJ 2 1 57.051468 -2.500553
AB31 5PS 1 0 57.052749 -2.494619
AB31 5PX 3 0 57.056234 -2.479855
AB31 5PY 27 2 57.057747 -2.471796
AB31 5QA 21 7 57.060538 -2.467759
AB31 5QB 8 1 57.066614 -2.485744
AB31 5QD 3 0 57.066245 -2.463401