all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 6DB 4 0 57.023302 -2.403184
AB31 6DD 4 0 57.020832 -2.411327
AB31 6DE 3 1 57.018137 -2.405813
AB31 6DH 4 1 57.014571 -2.394543
AB31 6DJ 3 0 57.022206 -2.397556
AB31 6DL 5 0 57.025943 -2.386065
AB31 6DN 4 0 57.03661 -2.390805
AB31 6DP 3 0 57.037657 -2.380287
AB31 6DQ 6 0 57.045441 -2.354244
AB31 6DR 1 0 57.056164 -2.332469
AB31 6DS 4 0 57.0563 -2.328514
AB31 6DT 8 0 57.051288 -2.3158
AB31 6DU 1 0 57.053209 -2.332196
AB31 6DX 5 0 57.041571 -2.34071
AB31 6DY 10 0 57.045466 -2.299939
AB31 6EA 2 0 57.050953 -2.305989
AB31 6EB 13 0 57.052236 -2.295598
AB31 6ED 6 0 57.058618 -2.303573
AB31 6HX 9 0 57.046658 -2.48667
AB31 6HY 7 1 57.053531 -2.47499