all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 6JA 4 0 57.052962 -2.438733
AB31 6JB 6 0 57.051844 -2.413648
AB31 6JP 2 0 57.047583 -2.412964
AB31 6JQ 4 0 57.042833 -2.434873
AB31 6JR 3 0 57.039269 -2.423922
AB31 6JS 15 0 57.045664 -2.454898
AB31 6JT 5 0 57.039963 -2.45641
AB31 6JU 8 0 57.02193 -2.437264
AB31 6JX 1 0 57.028955 -2.421416
AB31 6JY 4 0 57.02547 -2.421393
AB31 6LA 7 0 57.012112 -2.435886
AB31 6LB 1 0 57.007465 -2.47702
AB31 6LD 9 0 57.023059 -2.484435
AB31 6LE 5 0 57.041618 -2.484676
AB31 6LG 3 0 57.022537 -2.531223
AB31 6LH 3 0 57.044235 -2.490808
AB31 6LJ 6 0 57.021826 -2.505386
AB31 6LL 5 0 57.015844 -2.496165
AB31 6LN 7 0 57.015398 -2.53896
AB31 6LP 2 0 57.010031 -2.557263