all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 6LQ 5 0 57.01583 -2.559255
AB31 6LR 1 0 57.025122 -2.570464
AB31 6LS 4 0 56.98228 -2.574366
AB31 6LT 19 0 56.965078 -2.574134
AB31 6LU 7 0 57.009098 -2.585465
AB31 6LX 22 0 57.021694 -2.5966
AB31 6LY 29 0 57.021785 -2.627666
AB31 6LZ 10 1 57.021968 -2.631561
AB31 6NA 4 0 57.02038 -2.635499
AB31 6NB 2 0 57.02042 -2.647906
AB31 6ND 3 0 57.019712 -2.653621
AB31 6NE 28 1 57.011309 -2.689354
AB31 6NF 14 0 57.020741 -2.541425
AB31 6NG 2 0 57.02109 -2.665788
AB31 6NH 7 0 57.043781 -2.494296
AB31 6NJ 9 0 57.038389 -2.501541
AB31 6NL 49 1 57.029569 -2.515612
AB31 6NN 49 3 57.021054 -2.538783
AB31 6NP 13 0 57.020942 -2.555033
AB31 6NQ 21 3 57.024386 -2.56947