all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 4PW 27 1 57.127417 -2.684804
AB31 4PX 17 1 57.127262 -2.685198
AB31 4PY 1 0 57.126061 -2.689685
AB31 4QA 4 0 57.119521 -2.698568
AB31 4QB 3 0 57.110267 -2.693205
AB31 4QD 2 0 57.107688 -2.698939
AB31 4QE 8 0 57.123909 -2.697077
AB31 4QF 10 0 57.130585 -2.688629
AB31 4QG 6 0 57.125928 -2.687684
AB31 4QH 7 0 57.131771 -2.709615
AB31 4QJ 12 0 57.123049 -2.711913
AB31 4QL 8 1 57.129907 -2.71513
AB31 4QN 6 0 57.133338 -2.719148
AB31 4QP 11 0 57.129359 -2.735404
AB31 4QQ 8 1 57.122434 -2.753269
AB31 4QR 6 0 57.12073 -2.739312
AB31 4QS 3 0 57.122311 -2.726152
AB31 4QT 10 0 57.112289 -2.741671
AB31 4QU 3 0 57.102488 -2.756777
AB31 4QW 16 0 57.131049 -2.689282