all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 4GD 0 57.061868 -2.534917
AB31 4GL 6 0 57.103631 -2.62616
AB31 4FG 33 0 57.060145 -2.49974
AB31 4FJ 10 0 57.062189 -2.500724
AB31 4BF 5 0 57.054869 -2.515825
AB31 4FL 0 57.128047 -2.689623
AB31 4FN 9 0 57.060597 -2.558527
AB31 4BW 6 6 57.075475 -2.534475
AB31 4FW 0 57.061951 -2.485782
AB31 4GB 0 57.06193 -2.537161
AB31 4FA 6 0 57.058777 -2.539324
AB31 4FX 0 57.062789 -2.543313
AB31 5AA 76 0 57.07981 -2.348237
AB31 5AB 18 3 57.077312 -2.354647
AB31 5AD 16 0 57.071331 -2.363677
AB31 5AE 19 0 57.086882 -2.327184
AB31 5AF 19 0 57.078606 -2.345059
AB31 5AG 11 0 57.078783 -2.34731
AB31 5AH 2 1 57.091549 -2.330515
AB31 5AJ 14 2 57.087599 -2.32097