all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 4QX 2 0 57.097652 -2.742999
AB31 4RA 5 0 57.14167 -2.708069
AB31 4RB 7 0 57.146468 -2.717416
AB31 4RD 2 0 57.149737 -2.726226
AB31 4RH 7 1 57.153127 -2.712272
AB31 4RJ 5 0 57.156736 -2.704803
AB31 4RL 8 0 57.145767 -2.698463
AB31 4RN 18 0 57.154924 -2.689759
AB31 4RP 2 0 57.150234 -2.687412
AB31 4RQ 1 0 57.156364 -2.6942
AB31 4RR 4 0 57.165899 -2.696644
AB31 4RU 10 1 57.157702 -2.713451
AB31 4RX 3 0 57.156265 -2.722813
AB31 4RY 5 0 57.153639 -2.732498
AB31 4RZ 4 0 57.12889 -2.689754
AB31 4SA 4 0 57.153074 -2.744586
AB31 4SB 5 0 57.158015 -2.749066
AB31 4SD 11 0 57.154096 -2.770212
AB31 4SE 14 0 57.12862 -2.68818
AB31 4SF 20 0 57.129918 -2.687427