all postcodes in AB39 / STONEHAVEN

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Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB39 2HH 18 0 56.964583 -2.221583
AB39 2HJ 57 0 56.964892 -2.22466
AB39 2HL 16 0 56.964805 -2.223114
AB39 2HN 58 0 56.965177 -2.220929
AB39 2HP 28 0 56.964657 -2.220021
AB39 2HQ 17 1 56.964599 -2.217488
AB39 2HR 23 1 56.963528 -2.215467
AB39 2HS 42 3 56.963039 -2.212422
AB39 2HT 4 0 56.962853 -2.214008
AB39 2HU 15 0 56.962458 -2.214088
AB39 2HW 29 0 56.970176 -2.21831
AB39 2HX 18 0 56.962234 -2.213643
AB39 2HY 8 2 56.962512 -2.208448
AB39 2HZ 24 0 56.970048 -2.219527
AB39 2JA 13 5 56.962173 -2.207328
AB39 2JB 17 3 56.962574 -2.209238
AB39 2JD 23 1 56.961534 -2.210358
AB39 2JE 9 2 56.96218 -2.208545
AB39 2FY 5 0 56.961902 -2.208231
AB39 2JF 15 0 56.962071 -2.209383