all postcodes in AB39 / STONEHAVEN

find any address or company within the AB39 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB39 2JG 3 0 56.961957 -2.212852
AB39 2JJ 14 1 56.961933 -2.210813
AB39 2JL 5 0 56.961633 -2.207901
AB39 2JN 1 1 56.961363 -2.207833
AB39 2JP 23 2 56.961267 -2.206583
AB39 2JQ 63 2 56.961161 -2.205382
AB39 2JR 16 0 56.960767 -2.204739
AB39 2JS 20 0 56.960487 -2.205494
AB39 2JT 8 0 56.960731 -2.204311
AB39 2JU 9 4 56.960748 -2.202165
AB39 2JW 13 0 56.968537 -2.220735
AB39 2JX 4 0 56.960372 -2.204194
AB39 2JY 19 3 56.959636 -2.20419
AB39 2JZ 4 0 56.961084 -2.202981
AB39 2LA 5 1 56.960021 -2.204488
AB39 2LB 23 0 56.959562 -2.205143
AB39 2LD 5 0 56.960504 -2.206118
AB39 2LE 39 0 56.960601 -2.207369
AB39 2LF 35 0 56.971395 -2.229832
AB39 2LG 18 0 56.970667 -2.229942