all postcodes in AB39 / STONEHAVEN

find any address or company within the AB39 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB39 2NJ 1 1 56.969157 -2.230805
AB39 2NL 1 0 56.966888 -2.237978
AB39 2NN 1 1 56.961032 -2.20747
AB39 2NP 18 0 56.965202 -2.226817
AB39 2NQ 17 7 56.966155 -2.228376
AB39 2NR 4 0 56.965227 -2.227836
AB39 2NT 4 0 56.960533 -2.204704
AB39 2NU 7 0 56.961074 -2.20377
AB39 2NW 30 0 56.970082 -2.230514
AB39 2NX 1 0 56.960238 -2.204193
AB39 2NY 9 0 56.965984 -2.231377
AB39 2NZ 32 0 56.963187 -2.207876
AB39 2PA 5 0 56.959635 -2.20488
AB39 2PB 1 1 56.969157 -2.230805
AB39 2PD 22 0 56.9739 -2.230505
AB39 2PE 12 0 56.974612 -2.229539
AB39 2PF 11 0 56.965078 -2.207417
AB39 2PG 12 0 56.974866 -2.22829
AB39 2PH 4 0 56.961376 -2.211254
AB39 2PJ 1 0 56.961615 -2.213113