all postcodes in AB41 / ELLON

find any address or company within the AB41 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB41 6PU 3 0 57.341893 -2.143941
AB41 6PX 6 0 57.340621 -2.132673
AB41 6PY 2 0 57.347737 -2.124644
AB41 6QA 6 0 57.339465 -2.120923
AB41 6QB 8 0 57.323799 -2.174209
AB41 6QD 15 0 57.317655 -2.16103
AB41 6QE 4 0 57.324723 -2.139673
AB41 6QF 21 0 57.309718 -2.153197
AB41 6QG 18 0 57.309348 -2.15459
AB41 6QH 6 0 57.317895 -2.143253
AB41 6QJ 19 1 57.310235 -2.153877
AB41 6QL 7 0 57.310025 -2.163736
AB41 6QN 4 0 57.305219 -2.149341
AB41 6QP 6 0 57.309887 -2.144181
AB41 6QQ 26 2 57.307093 -2.127672
AB41 6QR 3 0 57.307757 -2.110246
AB41 6QS 2 0 57.305673 -2.102941
AB41 6QT 5 0 57.304652 -2.095183
AB41 6QU 3 0 57.292146 -2.097673
AB41 6QW 16 0 57.309849 -2.155837