all postcodes in B15 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B15 2RB 127 0 52.457096 -1.926271
B15 2RE 66 0 52.458138 -1.925445
B15 2RF 58 0 52.457329 -1.924916
B15 2RG 1 0 52.460425 -1.916375
B15 2RS 6 1 52.455263 -1.927701
B15 2RT 8 2 52.453454 -1.924835
B15 2SA 3 2 52.453282 -1.92789
B15 2SB 2 0 52.452654 -1.93029
B15 2SD 1 1 52.45406 -1.931456
B15 2SE 1 1 52.454456 -1.930881
B15 2SG 1 1 52.452935 -1.93488
B15 2SH 42 0 52.448574 -1.944309
B15 2SJ 21 0 52.448529 -1.942838
B15 2SL 45 0 52.448242 -1.944927
B15 2SN 34 0 52.44764 -1.944825
B15 2SQ 4 4 52.453827 -1.932869
B15 2SS 37 0 52.447666 -1.942898
B15 2ST 7 0 52.449051 -1.944559
B15 2SU 42 0 52.448979 -1.945412
B15 2SW 18 0 52.447288 -1.943531