all postcodes in B15 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B15 2SX 26 0 52.449644 -1.944514
B15 2TE 1 1 52.453908 -1.938528
B15 2TG 1 1 52.45323 -1.942905
B15 2TH 1 1 52.453183 -1.938476
B15 2TJ 1 1 52.453272 -1.936283
B15 2TN 1 0 52.451623 -1.929149
B15 2TQ 1 1 52.452654 -1.941081
B15 2TS 1 1 52.450327 -1.927783
B15 2TT 1 1 52.453282 -1.92789
B15 2TU 1 1 52.449078 -1.927903
B15 2TY 5 2 52.449976 -1.926135
B15 2UA 1 1 52.450585 -1.92353
B15 2UB 1 1 52.450802 -1.925354
B15 2UD 1 1 52.450174 -1.926297
B15 2UH 12 0 52.464048 -1.917663
B15 2UJ 11 1 52.463878 -1.918414
B15 2UL 2 2 52.463532 -1.91629
B15 2UN 9 0 52.463184 -1.915192
B15 2UP 7 0 52.46233 -1.91593
B15 2UR 1 1 52.461089 -1.915034