all postcodes in B15 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B15 2NB 27 0 52.464936 -1.913673
B15 2ND 26 0 52.465052 -1.912628
B15 2NE 36 0 52.465986 -1.912258
B15 2NG 32 0 52.466011 -1.909211
B15 2NH 20 0 52.466271 -1.908725
B15 2NL 49 0 52.467999 -1.91006
B15 2NP 6 0 52.467029 -1.911858
B15 2NQ 20 0 52.465003 -1.907388
B15 2NR 7 0 52.466535 -1.91236
B15 2NX 37 2 52.468683 -1.912061
B15 2PA 1 1 52.453443 -1.935959
B15 2PD 8 0 52.458478 -1.937512
B15 2PE 6 0 52.458955 -1.938071
B15 2PG 15 0 52.45705 -1.939942
B15 2PH 18 0 52.456557 -1.942857
B15 2PJ 6 0 52.457095 -1.940752
B15 2PL 17 0 52.458067 -1.942075
B15 2PN 12 0 52.458489 -1.942104
B15 2PP 10 0 52.45955 -1.941514
B15 2PQ 7 1 52.455828 -1.94143