all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B29 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 7NQ 32 0 52.442101 -1.914144
B29 7NR 18 1 52.444682 -1.914683
B29 7NS 46 0 52.445319 -1.913226
B29 7NT 23 1 52.444045 -1.916435
B29 7NU 20 0 52.444691 -1.915242
B29 7NW 8 0 52.443711 -1.914097
B29 7NX 15 1 52.445617 -1.914373
B29 7NY 22 3 52.443676 -1.915583
B29 7PE 6 0 52.440795 -1.923341
B29 7PH 25 1 52.438105 -1.919903
B29 7PN 17 1 52.438859 -1.917872
B29 7PP 20 0 52.441007 -1.917044
B29 7PQ 5 0 52.437681 -1.918168
B29 7PS 19 2 52.43839 -1.916726
B29 7PT 4 0 52.439128 -1.916783
B29 7PU 44 4 52.438363 -1.916064
B29 7PX 32 2 52.43679 -1.916861
B29 7PY 50 0 52.437634 -1.915506
B29 7PZ 37 0 52.437841 -1.915035
B29 7QA 24 0 52.438794 -1.914768