all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 7QB 19 0 52.439134 -1.913826
B29 7QD 45 0 52.439512 -1.913619
B29 7QE 53 0 52.439773 -1.913501
B29 7QG 33 0 52.439026 -1.912723
B29 7QH 27 0 52.438505 -1.91346
B29 7QJ 58 3 52.437813 -1.914255
B29 7QQ 51 0 52.438037 -1.91274
B29 7QR 38 2 52.437516 -1.926142
B29 7QS 14 0 52.437784 -1.923802
B29 7QT 38 0 52.437613 -1.923479
B29 7QU 20 0 52.436516 -1.924216
B29 7QX 48 0 52.43532 -1.922541
B29 7QY 10 0 52.434393 -1.921572
B29 7RA 44 0 52.433664 -1.920117
B29 7RB 23 0 52.433763 -1.91972
B29 7RD 36 0 52.435409 -1.921806
B29 7RE 1 0 52.436435 -1.923378
B29 7RG 43 0 52.436794 -1.922833
B29 7RH 18 0 52.437549 -1.921905
B29 7RJ 16 0 52.437233 -1.920685