all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B29 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 7RL 59 0 52.436118 -1.920378
B29 7RN 42 0 52.435715 -1.921408
B29 7RP 28 3 52.43521 -1.919114
B29 7RQ 59 0 52.436334 -1.920068
B29 7RR 23 0 52.434787 -1.919542
B29 7RS 51 0 52.435858 -1.920922
B29 7RZ 36 0 52.435512 -1.928292
B29 7SA 3 0 52.434698 -1.920586
B29 7SB 25 1 52.434135 -1.926206
B29 7SD 32 0 52.433884 -1.926854
B29 7SE 16 0 52.43329 -1.926472
B29 7SF 25 0 52.432526 -1.925459
B29 7SG 55 0 52.432597 -1.924179
B29 7SL 49 0 52.432776 -1.923267
B29 7SN 42 0 52.433153 -1.923016
B29 7SP 46 0 52.434728 -1.925028
B29 7SQ 26 1 52.431995 -1.924268
B29 7SR 28 0 52.434817 -1.924131
B29 7SS 34 0 52.433396 -1.922265
B29 7ST 24 1 52.433602 -1.92178