all postcodes in B32 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B32 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B32 3SQ 0 52.445009 -1.987274
B32 3SR 0 52.445683 -1.99001
B32 3SS 0 52.445171 -1.991614
B32 3ST 0 52.445252 -1.993174
B32 3SU 0 52.444982 -1.992835
B32 3SW 0 52.446285 -1.990363
B32 3SX 0 52.446079 -1.99207
B32 3SY 0 52.445827 -1.993939
B32 3SZ 0 52.44553 -1.99435
B32 3TA 0 52.446106 -1.994851
B32 3TB 0 52.446492 -1.99563
B32 3TD 0 52.445297 -1.997087
B32 3TE 0 52.446439 -1.997219
B32 3TF 0 52.446007 -1.997278
B32 3TG 0 52.445141 -1.998229
B32 3TH 0 52.445728 -1.997779
B32 3TJ 0 52.445099 -1.995601
B32 3TL 0 52.443103 -1.996705
B32 3TN 0 52.444083 -1.99541
B32 3TP 0 52.442977 -1.995513