all postcodes in B32 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B32 3QJ 1 52.436361 -1.997955
B32 3QL 0 52.436514 -1.997249
B32 3QN 0 52.439184 -2.003531
B32 3QP 0 52.438698 -2.001751
B32 3QR 0 52.443812 -2.015904
B32 3QS 0 52.443414 -2.015397
B32 3QT 0 52.444601 -2.012926
B32 3QU 4 52.443615 -2.012314
B32 3QW 0 52.438977 -2.004207
B32 3QX 0 52.442608 -2.010798
B32 3QY 0 52.443148 -2.012608
B32 3RA 0 52.441952 -2.010975
B32 3RB 0 52.441062 -2.005973
B32 3RD 0 52.44073 -2.009327
B32 3RE 0 52.441449 -2.008165
B32 3RF 0 52.441494 -2.007282
B32 3RH 0 52.443624 -1.98826
B32 3RJ 0 52.441143 -2.002604
B32 3RL 0 52.440514 -2.003575
B32 3RN 0 52.442869 -1.989496