all postcodes in B32 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B32 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B32 3RP 0 52.443903 -1.985362
B32 3RQ 0 52.441332 -2.003634
B32 3RR 0 52.443534 -1.987215
B32 3RS 0 52.444109 -1.985744
B32 3RT 0 52.44411 -1.98723
B32 3RU 1 52.442204 -1.991953
B32 3RW 0 52.442572 -1.989217
B32 3RX 0 52.443445 -1.992394
B32 3RY 0 52.443112 -1.989658
B32 3RZ 0 52.44366 -1.990011
B32 3SA 0 52.443903 -1.990423
B32 3SB 0 52.444218 -1.989775
B32 3SD 2 52.442663 -1.991423
B32 3SE 1 52.444353 -1.991482
B32 3SG 0 52.444433 -1.986686
B32 3SH 0 52.444262 -1.988275
B32 3SJ 0 52.445117 -1.989495
B32 3SL 0 52.445701 -1.988112
B32 3SN 0 52.445962 -1.989701
B32 3SP 0 52.44517 -1.988775