all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 0PS 22 0 52.465893 -1.770769
B33 0PT 25 0 52.466154 -1.769493
B33 0PU 8 0 52.46666 -1.770521
B33 0PX 19 0 52.466879 -1.769454
B33 0PY 14 0 52.467473 -1.768044
B33 0PZ 16 0 52.466798 -1.7674
B33 0QA 16 0 52.468142 -1.767165
B33 0QB 33 0 52.4672 -1.766264
B33 0QD 36 0 52.466221 -1.76674
B33 0QE 24 0 52.466502 -1.768137
B33 0QG 27 0 52.465487 -1.768393
B33 0QH 28 0 52.465104 -1.770279
B33 0QJ 24 0 52.464473 -1.769163
B33 0QP 10 0 52.468667 -1.766948
B33 0QR 16 1 52.468123 -1.769159
B33 0QS 30 0 52.467685 -1.770883
B33 0QT 39 0 52.467317 -1.771018
B33 0QU 14 0 52.466378 -1.773363
B33 0QX 12 0 52.466296 -1.773157
B33 0QY 39 6 52.464843 -1.774725