all postcodes in B34 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B34 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B34 6NX 35 0 52.500347 -1.790719
B34 6NY 27 0 52.501011 -1.790141
B34 6PA 23 0 52.50092 -1.789744
B34 6PB 6 0 52.500002 -1.788967
B34 6PG 37 0 52.501875 -1.790593
B34 6PH 31 0 52.502263 -1.791814
B34 6PJ 26 0 52.502776 -1.791782
B34 6PN 41 0 52.501735 -1.787618
B34 6PP 36 0 52.501839 -1.785644
B34 6PQ 10 0 52.50164 -1.792178
B34 6PR 11 0 52.501651 -1.785939
B34 6PS 32 0 52.500961 -1.787121
B34 6PT 54 0 52.500984 -1.784911
B34 6PU 13 0 52.500112 -1.785181
B34 6PX 38 0 52.500195 -1.78655
B34 6PY 33 0 52.499614 -1.784837
B34 6PZ 46 0 52.499911 -1.783576
B34 6QA 20 0 52.499068 -1.784302
B34 6QB 23 0 52.498862 -1.785157
B34 6QN 40 0 52.495928 -1.780318